Welcome Home
Welcome to the Never Alone Never Again Area of Narcotics Anonymous website. In partnership with Fellowship for Freedom Area we service the Kansas cities of Holton, Junction City, Manhattan, Ogden, Sabetha, Tecumseh, and Topeka.
If you found this website and have a drug problem, or know someone who does, give yourself a break and take a look around. We have been where you are and have found a way to live drug-free through Narcotics Anonymous. We invite you to take the journey of recovery with us. It took a using addict to show us how to use; it takes a recovering addict to show us how not to use and recover. Just for today, you never have to use again!
Recovery is possible in NA. The proof is in our meetings, but you have to get there first. We think you'll be glad you came; we know we'll be happy you made it" Just keep coming back.
If you want to contact us you can click here or send us an email to nanaarea@gmail.com.
Who is an Addict?
Most of us do not have to think twice about this question. We Know! Our whole life and thinking was centered in drugs in one form or another - the getting and using and finding ways and means to get more. We lived to use and used too live. Very simply, an addict is a man or woman whose life is controlled by drugs. We are people in the grip of a continuing and progressive illness whose ends are always the same: jails, institutions, and death.
What is Narcotics Anonymous?
Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem. We believe that using the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, sponsorship, and being of service to others you can find the knowledge, courage, and strength to begin a new way to live free from the destructive nature of our addiction.